Home Watch Services

As a service to our valued partners, we are offering a weekly home watch service.

This weekly service will include a full detailed unit inspection that will concentrate on the following areas: Call or email us for details

  • Checking HVAC systems and filters along with electrical panels, outlets, and smoke alarms
  • Inspect all windows, locks, and doors to ensure the unit is properly secured
  • Check for evidence of rodents, pests, odd odors, and/or any signs of mold
  • Fully check all appliances to ensure there are clear lines to prevent seals from drying
  • Flush water through plumbing fixtures to remove stagnant water, refill traps, and check for leaks
  • Monitor exterior areas of the unit including swimming pool conditions, walkways, roofs, and landscaping


Every year we encounter units that have had areas of severe damage that could have been prevented; if there were routine/quality inspections in place.

This preventative measure is simply a tool to assist any owners that would like an additional set of eyes in their unit while it’s not occupied.

Feel free to email us at pgahomerentals@pgaresort.com or call our office at 561.227.2552if interested.

Have a Championship day!

(855) 420-9287
Please Call For Availability